The following functions provide access to Cortex-M core registers.
void __disable_fault_irq |
( |
void |
| ) |
The function disables interrupts and all fault handlers by setting FAULTMASK. The function uses the instruction CPSID f.
- See Also
void __disable_irq |
( |
void |
| ) |
The function disables interrupts and all configurable fault handlers by setting PRIMASK. The function uses the instruction CPSID i.
- See Also
void __enable_fault_irq |
( |
void |
| ) |
The function enables interrupts and all fault handlers by clearing FAULTMASK. The function uses the instruction CPSIE f.
- See Also
void __enable_irq |
( |
void |
| ) |
The function enables interrupts and all configurable fault handlers by clearing PRIMASK. The function uses the instruction CPSIE i.
- See Also
uint32_t __get_APSR |
( |
void |
| ) |
The function reads the Application Program Status Register (APSR) using the instruction MRS.
The APSR contains the current state of the condition flags from instructions executed previously. The APSR is essential for controlling conditional branches. The following flags are used:
- N (APSR[31]) (Negative flag)
- =1 The instruction result has a negative value (when interpreted as signed integer).
- =0 The instruction result has a positive value or equal zero.
- Z (APSR[30]) (Zero flag)
- =1 The instruction result is zero. Or, after a compare instruction, when the two values are the same.
- C (APSR[29]) (Carry or borrow flag)
- =1 For unsigned additions, if an unsigned overflow occurred.
- =inverse of borrow output status For unsigned subtract operations.
- V (APSR[28]) (Overflow flag)
- =1 A signed overflow occurred (for signed additions or subtractions).
- Q (APSR[27]) (DSP overflow or saturation flag) [not Cortex-M0]
- This flag is a sticky flag. Saturating and certain mutliplying instructions can set the flag, but cannot clear it.
- =1 When saturation or an overflow occurred.
- GE (APSR[19:16]) (Greater than or Equal flags) [not Cortex-M0]
- Can be set by the parallel add and subtract instructions.
- Are used by the
instruction to perform byte-based selection from two registers.
- Returns
- APSR register value
- See Also
uint32_t __get_BASEPRI |
( |
void |
| ) |
The function returns the Base Priority Mask register (BASEPRI) using the instruction MRS.
BASEPRI defines the minimum priority for exception processing. When BASEPRI is set to a non-zero value, it prevents the activation of all exceptions with the same or lower priority level as the BASEPRI value.
- Returns
- BASEPRI register value
- See Also
uint32_t __get_CONTROL |
( |
void |
| ) |
The function reads the CONTROL register value using the instruction MRS.
The CONTROL register controls the stack used and the privilege level for software execution when the processor is in thread mode and, if implemented, indicates whether the FPU state is active. This register uses the following bits:
- CONTROL[2] [only Cortex-M4]
- =0 FPU not active
- =1 FPU active
- =0 In handler mode - MSP is selected. No alternate stack possible for handler mode.
- =0 In thread mode - Default stack pointer MSP is used.
- =1 In thread mode - Alternate stack pointer PSP is used.
- CONTROL[0] [not Cortex-M0]
- =0 In thread mode and privileged state.
- =1 In thread mode and user state.
- Returns
- CONTROL register value
- See Also
uint32_t __get_FAULTMASK |
( |
void |
| ) |
The function reads the Fault Mask register (FAULTMASK) value using the instruction MRS.
FAULTMASK prevents activation of all exceptions except for the Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI).
- Returns
- FAULTMASK register value
- See Also
uint32_t __get_FPSCR |
( |
void |
| ) |
The function reads the Floating-Point Status Control Register (FPSCR) value.
FPSCR provides all necessary User level controls of the floating-point system.
- Returns
- FPSCR register value, when __FPU_PRESENT=1
- =0, when __FPU_PRESENT=0
- See Also
uint32_t __get_IPSR |
( |
void |
| ) |
The function reads the Interrupt Program Status Register (IPSR) using the instruction MRS.
The ISPR contains the exception type number of the current Interrupt Service Routine (ISR). Each exception has an assocciated unique IRQn number. The following bits are used:
- =0 Thread mode
- =1 Reserved
- =2 NMI
- =3 HardFault
- =4 MemManage
- =5 BusFault
- =6 UsageFault
- =7-10 Reserved
- =11 SVCall
- =12 Reserved for Debug
- =13 Reserved
- =14 PendSV
- =15 SysTick
- =16 IRQ0
- ...
- =n+15 IRQ(n-1)
- Returns
- ISPR register value
- See Also
uint32_t __get_MSP |
( |
void |
| ) |
The function reads the Main Status Pointer (MSP) value using the instruction MRS.
Physically two different stack pointers (SP) exist:
- The Main Stack Pointer (MSP) is the default stack pointer after reset. It is also used when running exception handlers (handler mode).
- The Process Stack Pointer (PSP), which can be used only in thread mode.
Register R13 banks the SP. The SP selection is determined by the bit[1] of the CONTROL register:
- =0 MSP is the current stack pointer. This is also the default SP. The initial value is loaded from the first 32-bit word of the vector table from the program memory.
- =1 PSP is the current stack pointer. The initial value is undefined.
- Returns
- MSP Register value
- See Also
uint32_t __get_PRIMASK |
( |
void |
| ) |
The function reads the Priority Mask register (PRIMASK) value using the instruction MRS.
PRIMASK is a 1-bit-wide interrupt mask register. When set, it blocks all interrupts apart from the non-maskable interrupt (NMI) and the hard fault exception. The PRIMASK prevents activation of all exceptions with configurable priority.
- Returns
- PRIMASK register value
- =0 no effect
- =1 prevents the activation of all exceptions with configurable priority
- See Also
uint32_t __get_PSP |
( |
void |
| ) |
The function reads the Program Status Pointer (PSP) value using the instruction MRS.
Physically two different stack pointers (SP) exist:
- The Main Stack Pointer (MSP) is the default stack pointer after reset. It is also used when running exception handlers (handler mode).
- The Process Stack Pointer (PSP), which can be used only in thread mode.
Register R13 banks the SP. The SP selection is determined by the bit[1] of the CONTROL register:
- =0 MSP is the current stack pointer. This is also the default SP. The initial value is loaded from the first 32-bit word of the vector table from the program memory.
- =1 PSP is the current stack pointer. The initial value is undefined.
- Returns
- PSP register value
- See Also
uint32_t __get_xPSR |
( |
void |
| ) |
The function reads the combined Program Status Register (xPSR) using the instruction MRS.
xPSR provides information about program execution and the APSR flags. It consists of the following PSRs:
- Application Program Status Register (APSR)
- Interrupt Program Status Register (IPSR)
- Execution Program Status Register (EPSR)
In addition to the flags described in __get_APSR and __get_IPSR, the register provides the following flags:
- IT (xPSR[26:25]) (If-Then condition instruction)
- Contains up to four instructions following an IT instruction.
- Each instruction in the block is conditional.
- The conditions for the instructions are either all the same, or some can be the inverse of others.
- T (xPSR[24]) (Thumb bit)
- =1 Indicates that that the processor is in Thumb state.
- =0 Attempting to execute instructions when the T bit is 0 results in a fault or lockup.
- The conditions for the instructions are either all the same, or some can be the inverse of others.
- Returns
- xPSR register value
- See Also
void __set_BASEPRI |
( |
uint32_t |
basePri | ) |
The function sets the Base Priority Mask register (BASEPRI) value using the instruction MSR.
BASEPRI defines the minimum priority for exception processing. When BASEPRI is set to a non-zero value, it prevents the activation of all exceptions with the same or lower priority level as the BASEPRI value.
- Parameters
[in] | basePri | BASEPRI value to set |
- See Also
void __set_CONTROL |
( |
uint32_t |
control | ) |
The function sets the CONTROL register value using the instruction MSR.
The CONTROL register controls the stack used and the privilege level for software execution when the processor is in thread mode and, if implemented, indicates whether the FPU state is active. This register uses the following bits:
- CONTROL[2] [only Cortex-M4]
- =0 FPU not active
- =1 FPU active
- Writeable only when the processor is in thread mode and privileged state (CONTROL[0]=0).
- =0 In handler mode - MSP is selected. No alternate stack pointer possible for handler mode.
- =0 In thread mode - Default stack pointer MSP is used.
- =1 In thread mode - Alternate stack pointer PSP is used.
- CONTROL[0] [not writeable for Cortex-M0]
- Writeable only when the processor is in privileged state.
- Can be used to switch the processor to user state (thread mode).
- Once in user state, trigger an interrupt and change the state to privileged in the exception handler (the only way).
- =0 In thread mode and privileged state.
- =1 In thread mode and user state.
- Parameters
[in] | control | CONTROL register value to set |
- See Also
void __set_FAULTMASK |
( |
uint32_t |
faultMask | ) |
The function sets the Fault Mask register (FAULTMASK) value using the instruction MSR.
FAULTMASK prevents activation of all exceptions except for Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI). FAULTMASK can be used to escalate a configurable fault handler (BusFault, usage fault, or memory management fault) to hard fault level without invoking a hard fault. This allows the fault handler to pretend to be the hard fault handler, whith the ability to:
- Mask BusFault by setting the BFHFNMIGN in the Configuration Control register. It can be used to test the bus system without causing a lockup.
- Bypass the MPU, allowing accessing the MPU protected memory location without reprogramming the MPU to just carry out a few transfers for fixing faults.
- Parameters
[in] | faultMask | FAULTMASK register value to set |
- See Also
void __set_FPSCR |
( |
uint32_t |
fpscr | ) |
The function sets the Floating-Point Status Control Register (FPSCR) value.
FPSCR provides all necessary User level control of the floating-point system.
- N (FPSC[31]) (Negative flag)
- =1 The instruction result has a negative value (when interpreted as signed integer).
- =0 The instruction result has a positive value or equal zero.
- Z (FPSC[30]) (Zero flag)
- =1 The instruction result is zero. Or, after a compare instruction, when the two values are the same.
- C (FPSC[29]) (Carry or borrow flag)
- =1 For unsigned additions, if an unsigned overflow occurred.
- =inverse of borrow output status For unsigned subtract operations.
- V (FPSC[28]) (Overflow flag)
- =1 A signed overflow occurred (for signed additions or subtractions).
- AHP (FPSC[26]) (Alternative half-precision flag)
- =1 Alternative half-precision format selected.
- =0 IEEE half-precision format selected.
- DN (FPSC[25]) (Default NaN mode control flag)
- =1 Any operation involving one or more NaNs returns the Default NaN.
- =0 NaN operands propagate through to the output of a floating-point operation.
- FZ (FPSC[24]) (Flush-to-zero mode control flag)
- =1 Flush-to-zero mode enabled.
- =0 Flush-to-zero mode disabled. Behavior of the floating-point system is fully compliant with the IEEE 754 standard.
- RMode (FPSC[23:22]) (Rounding Mode control flags)
- =0b00 Round to Nearest (RN) mode.
- =0b01 Round towards Plus Infinity (RP) mode.
- =0b10 Round towards Minus Infinity (RM) mode.
- =0b11 Round towards Zero (RZ) mode.
- The specified rounding mode is used by almost all floating-point instructions.
- IDC (FPSC[7]) (Input Denormal cumulative exception flags)
- See Cumulative exception bits (FPSC[4:0]).
- IXC (FPSC[4]) (Inexact cumulative exception flag)
- =1 Exception occurred.
- =0 Value has to be set explicitly.
- Flag is not cleared automatically.
- UFC (FPSC[3]) (Underflow cumulative exception flag)
- =1 Exception occurred.
- =0 Value has to be set explicitly.
- Flag is not cleared automatically.
- OFC (FPSC[2]) (Overflow cumulative exception flag)
- =1 Exception occurred.
- =0 Value has to be set explicitly.
- Flag is not cleared automatically.
- DZC (FPSC[1]) (Division by Zero cumulative exception flag)
- =1 Exception occurred.
- =0 Value has to be set explicitly.
- Flag is not cleared automatically.
- IOC (FPSC[0]) (Invalid Operation cumulative exception flag)
- =1 Exception occurred.
- =0 Value has to be set explicitly.
- Flag is not cleared automatically.
- Parameters
[in] | fpscr | FPSCR value to set |
- See Also
void __set_MSP |
( |
uint32_t |
topOfMainStack | ) |
The function sets the Main Status Pointer (MSP) value using the instruction MSR.
Physically two different stack pointers (SP) exist:
- The Main Stack Pointer (MSP) is the default stack pointer after reset. It is also used when running exception handlers (handler mode).
- The Process Stack Pointer (PSP), which can be used only in thread mode.
Register R13 banks the SP. The SP selection is determined by the bit[1] of the CONTROL register:
- =0 MSP is the current stack pointer. This is also the default SP. The initial value is loaded from the first 32-bit word of the vector table from the program memory.
- =1 PSP is the current stack pointer. The initial value is undefined.
- Parameters
[in] | topOfMainStack | MSP value to set |
- See Also
void __set_PRIMASK |
( |
uint32_t |
priMask | ) |
The function sets the Priority Mask register (PRIMASK) value using the instruction MSR.
PRIMASK is a 1-bit-wide interrupt mask register. When set, it blocks all interrupts apart from the non-maskable interrupt (NMI) and the hard fault exception. The PRIMASK prevents activation of all exceptions with configurable priority.
- Parameters
[in] | priMask | Priority Mask
- =0 no effect
- =1 prevents the activation of all exceptions with configurable priority
- See Also
void __set_PSP |
( |
uint32_t |
topOfProcStack | ) |
The function sets the Program Status Pointer (PSP) value using the instruction MSR.
Physically two different stack pointers (SP) exist:
- The Main Stack Pointer (MSP) is the default stack pointer after reset. It is also used when running exception handlers (handler mode).
- The Process Stack Pointer (PSP), which can be used only in thread mode.
Register R13 banks the SP. The SP selection is determined by the bit[1] of the CONTROL register:
- =0 MSP is the current stack pointer. This is also the default SP. The initial value is loaded from the first 32-bit word of the vector table from the program memory.
- =1 PSP is the current stack pointer. The initial value is undefined.
- Parameters
[in] | topOfProcStack | PSP value to set |
- See Also